meta legal

going beyond boundaries
Partner | Attorney at Law
Mag. Philip Raffling
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Partner | Attorney at Law
Mag. Daniel Raffling
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Partner | Attorney at Law
Mag. Roman Tenschert
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Partner | Attorney at Law
Dr. Rainer Lassl, MA
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Partner | Attorney at Law
Mag. David Griesbacher
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Business Development / Key Account Manager
Mag. Nina Toth
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Daniela Gangemi
Nicole Stromberger
Management Support
MAG. Sinikka Hausteiner
Attorney at Law
Mag. Peter Pichlmayr, LL.M.
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Mag. Michael Pichlmayr, LL.M.
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Management Support
Valentina Romanovic
Berre Ezgi
Office manager
Vanessa Oukal
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MAG. Tanja Stanojlovic
Сooperation partner
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Cornelia ALLEN
Сooperation partner
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Real Estate Transactions & Property Law, Tenancy Law
Demands are increasing, available spaces are decreasing, and legal questions are becoming more complex. Our experts in real estate law understand the demands of the industry and deal with real estate issues not only in a legal but also in an economic, financial, and technical sense. We advise project developers, property developers, investors, construction and planning companies, individuals, property management companies, architects, as well as the public sector on all legal issues surrounding real estate; the scope is inter alia covering due diligence, land transfer approvals, real estate transactions, construction contracts, architectural services, (commercial) tenancy law.
Private Clients / Business & Investment Immigration / Immigration Law
At META LEGAL, we understand that you may be coming to Austria and seeking to settle here permanently. Establishing your (new or parallel) life in a new country and culture can be an overwhelming task if you are unaware of the services available to you. We can assist in facilitating a smooth settlement by providing tailored migration solutions for our internationally ambitious clients. Our partner, Philip Raffling, and his team can accompany you from the beginning of your journey to Austria and assist you in applying for the appropriate residence and work permits. We support many individuals and family members as well as businesses in a variety of matters.

Once in Austria, many people decide they want to make it their home. It's no wonder, as Vienna, the capital, has often claimed the title of the most livable city in the world. To meet the requirements for a residence permit, you need a defined migration path to follow to fulfill the requirements. We assist you in developing a tailored path. Your migration path is designed in line with your future goals. Many residence permits require qualification assessments to meet the criteria for issuance. The migration path also includes information on meeting the qualification requirements for your intended profession. META LEGAL provides comprehensive legal support to give you the best chance of obtaining a visa or residence permit, enabling you to immigrate to Austria with your family sooner.

Therefore, we develop personalized migration strategies to assist each client in achieving their specific goals and desired migration outcome, avoiding a daunting and complex process for you. We take the stress and confusion out of choosing the right migration path for your needs. We analyze your background and future aspirations and develop a plan that best suits you. We handle your application, from the initial contact to the issuance of the residence permit, ensuring that all the correct documents are submitted.
Architects & Construction Law
A construction project is a complex undertaking. Even a small oversight in contract design can lead to devastating consequences and disputes between parties. We provide guidance in advance to limit the potential for conflict in contractual relationships from the outset. Architects and construction companies also require advice, for example, regarding their fee or contract claims. We consider the needs and demands of all parties. Construction projects and processes already consume significant amounts, so it is crucial to avoid costly disputes as much as possible beforehand. You can expect convincing performance from us in these areas before authorities and in court disputes. You will find profound legal expertise in construction and architectural law with us.
Corporate & Business Law including M&A, Startups
We specialize in corporate law and M&A. Our main services include the formation and structuring of companies and advice on internal regulations governing the relationship between shareholders and management, assistance with capital increases, capital reductions and other financing-related transactions, shareholder disputes, advice and assistance with mergers, acquisitions and disposals, including due diligence, contract negotiations and structuring of transactions, restructurings and transformations such as mergers, demergers or changes of legal form, joint ventures and strategic alliances, liquidation and insolvency.
Civil & Administrative Law, Litigation
We advise you in civil law and in all areas of life, especially in the drafting of contracts, disputes of any kind, matrimonial property law (marital agreements), and in divorces, as well as in debt collection/recovery. Our experts offer highest level dispute resolutions and fight in court for the clients rights.
Media & Unfair Competition Law
The digital revolution and new media have a significant impact on the competitiveness of businesses. Strengthening your position in the market while adhering to fair competition regulations is a special concern for us as your partner in enforcing your rights. Your indispensable online presence today is subject to a range of regulations: Countless information obligations and design requirements for advertising emails, websites, and web shops must be considered. We assess your online presence, advise you on the entire spectrum of media and publishing law, evaluate the legal risks of your advertising and corporate strategies, and represent you against competitors in cases of unfair competition.
Intellectual Property & Copyright
The protection of your trademarks and intellectual property rights remains of enormous economic importance. We support you in effectively protecting your trademarks, products, patents and inventions and provide guidance, particularly in the registration of national, European, and international industrial property rights, such as trademarks and designs. We also represent you in administrative proceedings concerning attacks on or infringements by third parties on your trademarks, designs, other distinguishing marks, and copyrights. With regard to your IT infrastructures, we advise you on solid cloud, data protection, and software licensing solutions, as well as on social media, e-commerce, and contractual arrangements.
Data Protection & IT Law
Processing personal data based on the GDPR can sometimes be a risky task. A proper data protection management should consider these risks. Dealing with this issue is essential, especially considering the potential fines. We provide guidance on all matters. Acting as a quasi "external data protection officer," we also accompany you on the path to modern and compliant data protection. We get to know your company, advise your management, train your employees, and develop and oversee your information processing procedures.
General Criminal Law / Business & Administrative Law
META LEGAL offers highly specialized and discreet legal advice for the entire spectrum of criminal law matters and has long enjoyed an excellent reputation in criminal cases. We accompany clients during police interrogations, throughout all phases of investigations, and in court. We also provide guidance in extradition proceedings, residence issues, administrative penalty procedures, and compliance matters.
Employment Law
We represent clients in the entire spectrum of labor disputes in court and in cases involving wrongful termination, employment discrimination, violations of non-compete agreements, and in employment contract drafting. Providing advice on employment law is also a part of obtaining a residence permit for key employees, as compliance with collective agreements, industry standards, labor laws, etc., must be ensured.
Insurance Law
Insurance law can raise complex questions for both insurers and policyholders that need to be resolved. Both sides require specialized legal advice to be able to consider complex legal and regulatory issues from every perspective.
Marriage and family law
In cooperation with Allen&Oberdorfer, our services also include advice on matrimonial and divorce law as well as custody and family law issues. We support you in all legal matters relating to marriage contracts, divorce proceedings and their consequences. This includes the division of joint assets, maintenance claims and custody and contact rights for joint children. Our aim is to provide you with clear legal guidance and individual solutions in order to protect your interests in the best possible way and achieve fair results.
Contact Us
    Сообщение об успешной отправке!
    Mag. Philip Raffling
    Philip Raffling specializes in advising both domestic and foreign clients on all immigration matters; tailored immigration solutions are offered for both companies and individuals, from (UHNWI) privateers to highly skilled key personnel or entrepreneurs. In addition, he advises on data protection law and accompanies (inter)national companies and individuals in all areas of commercial law.
    Partner | Attorney at Law
    Mag. Daniel Raffling
    Due to his professional training and work in renowned law firms and his ongoing master's studies in "Real Estate Management," Daniel Raffling combines the fields of business and law, including property valuation, and provides guidance to clients (including property developers, construction companies, architects, and specialist planners) in all phases of a construction project, such as conceptual, strategic, and legal construction implementation, due diligence, warranty, and construction conflict management, and beyond.Further, Daniel is specialized in corporate law matters.
    Partner | Attorney at Law
    Mag. Roman Tenschert
    His areas of expertise are particularly criminal proceedings, landlord representation in tenancy law, and litigation (damages claims). Many of his clients are facing criminal proceedings for the first time and appreciate his support. Especially during the initial criminal proceedings, a defense attorney from the outset, even before the first police interrogation, is crucial, as unfavorable recordings can be challenging to rectify later. Many of his clients would not be living in freedom today without his legal representation. With his training in the best law firms, Roman can also draw on broad experience in advising landlords in all legal matters. He particularly and expeditiously handles rent and eviction proceedings for property management companies. He also handles the enforcement of claims such as compensation for damages, repair costs after a traffic accident, pain and suffering, nursing costs, loss of earnings, etc. Warranty proceedings, for example, in connection with real estate purchases, are also among his specialties.
    Partner | Attorney at Law
    Dr. Rainer Lassl, MA
    Rainer, a native of Graz, is responsible for the Graz office as a partner and managing director in addition to his work in Vienna. After completing a management program in an international media corporation and holding various management positions in the private sector, Rainer Lassl has been successful as an attorney in Graz and Vienna for many years. He has also completed the FH Master's degree program in Real Estate Management in Vienna. In addition to the media and internet sectors, his specializations include real estate, data protection law, and general commercial and civil law.
    Law firm Graz: Lendkai 43/EG, A-8020 Graz
    Tel.: 0316 / 93 12 39
    Partner | Attorney at Law
    Partner | Attorney at Law
    Mag. David Griesbacher
    David, due to his training in renowned law firms and his previous activities, notably for an Austrian insurance company, specializes particularly in the extrajudicial and judicial representation of and against insurance companies. In addition, he also covers other areas of law, including damages, enforcement of contractually agreed claims, and any necessary litigation. Another niche is the field of value-added tax law.
    Vanessa Oukal
    Vanessa is the indispensable head of our law firm and the beating heart of the entire team. With her extensive experience and dedication, she keeps the processes running smoothly and ensures that everything is perfectly organized at all times. She is not only an important contact person for our clients, but also a reliable support for all employees. Vanessa's passion for her work and her ability to think both strategically and operationally make her an indispensable pillar of our law firm.
    Mag. Nina Toth
    Mag. Nina Toth studierte Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Wien mit dem Schwerpunkt "Strafjustiz und Kriminalwissenschaften". Während ihres Studiums verbrachte sie auch ein Semester an der University of Reading (UK). Nach ihrem Abschluss absolvierte sie die Gerichtspraxis im OLG Sprengel Wien. Danach begann sie im Jahr 2020 ihre Tätigkeit als Rechtsanwaltsanwärterin bei der Kanzlei Böhmdorfer Schender. Seit 2021 verstärkt sie das Team von Mag. Roman Tenschert, wobei sie sowohl strafrechtliche als auch zivilrechtliche Causen betreut.
    Attorney at Law
    Mag. Peter Pichlmayr, LL.M.
    Peter is an attorney at law and is in permanent cooperation with Raffling Tenschert Lassl Griesbacher & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH.

    Peter completed his professional training in renowned M&A law firms. The main focus of his legal practice lies in corporate law / M&A, advising medium-sized companies, foundation law, and conducting civil proceedings. Peter also supports companies in IP/IT matters and data protection issues.

    His aim is to handle complex cases to the satisfaction of his clients. In fulfilling the needs of the clients, he pursues a legal as well as an economic approach.

    Peter's special interest is the holistic consulting of family-owned companies, especially succession planning in family businesses. He has published on this topic, for example, in the context of his LL.M. studies ("Family Businesses and Asset Planning").
    Mag. Michael Pichlmayr, LL.M.
    Michael is a lawyer trainee supporting the Corporate Law / M&A and Start-ups team at META LEGAL. He completed his law studies in Vienna within three years and subsequently started his professional training in renowned international business law and tax advisory firms. His areas of expertise include Corporate Law / M&A, Foundation Law, and Civil Procedural Law. In addition to his professional work, he has completed courses in Corporate Law / M&A and supplemented his expertise with a postgraduate degree in Residential and Real Estate Law.
    Сooperation partner
    In cooperation with META LEGAL for family and marriage law.
    Сooperation partner
    Cornelia ALLEN
    In cooperation with META LEGAL for family and marriage law.
    Privacy Policy
    1. Personal Data

    We, Raffling Tenschert Lassl Griesbacher & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH (also "we"), take data protection very seriously and respect your privacy, whether as a client, a client of our client, or just as a visitor to this website; not only due to the comprehensive data protection advice we provide but also due to the (legal) significance. We only collect, process, and use your personal data with your consent or mandate or order for the purposes agreed with you or if there is any other legal basis in accordance with the GDPR and the Austrian DSG; this is in compliance with data protection and civil law regulations. We only collect personal data that is actually necessary for the performance and handling of our legal services or that you have voluntarily provided to us. Personal data includes all data that contains individual information about personal or factual circumstances, such as name, address, email address, telephone number, date of birth, age, gender, social security number, video recordings, photos, voice recordings of individuals, and biometric data such as fingerprints. Sensitive data such as health data or data related to criminal proceedings may also be included.

    2. Information and Deletion

    You, as our client, have the right to information about your stored personal data, its origin, and recipients at any time, despite the observance of the attorney-client confidentiality, as well as the purpose of data processing, as well as the right to correction, data transfer, objection, restriction of processing, and blocking or deletion of incorrect or unlawfully processed data. If there are any changes to your personal data, please inform us accordingly. You have the right to revoke your consent to the use of your personal data at any time. Your requests for information, deletion, correction, objection, and/or data transfer, in the latter case, unless this involves a disproportionate effort, can be directed to the address of the law firm mentioned in point 10 of this statement. If you believe that the processing of your personal data by us violates the applicable data protection law or if your data protection rights have been violated in any other way, you have the option to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority. In Austria, the data protection authority is responsible for this.

    3. Data Security

    The protection of your personal data is ensured through appropriate organizational and technical measures. These measures relate in particular to protection against unauthorized, unlawful, or accidental access, processing, loss, use, and manipulation. Despite the efforts to maintain a consistently high standard of due diligence, it cannot be ruled out that information you disclose to us over the Internet may be viewed and used by others. Please note that we therefore assume no liability of any kind for the disclosure of information due to errors not caused by us in data transmission and/or unauthorized access by third parties (e.g., hacking of email accounts or phones, interception of faxes).

    4. Use of Data / Contact Form on the Website

    We will not process the data provided to us for purposes other than those covered by the mandate agreement or by your consent or by any other provision in accordance with the GDPR. This does not apply to use for statistical purposes, provided that the data provided has been anonymized. This also applies to your data that we receive, for example, via our contact form on our website (e.g., name, email, address, telephone). If you send us inquiries via the contact form, your details from the inquiry form, including the contact details you provided there, will be stored for the purpose of processing the inquiry and for any follow-up questions.

    5. Transmission of Data to Third Parties

    To fulfill your order, it may also be necessary or legally mandatory to pass on your data to third parties (e.g., the other party, substitutes, insurance companies, service providers we use and to whom we provide data, etc.) courts or authorities. Your data will only be forwarded based on the GDPR, in particular to fulfill your order or with your prior consent. Furthermore, we would like to inform you that within the scope of our legal representation and assistance, factual and case-related information from you is regularly obtained from third parties. Some of the above-mentioned recipients of your personal data are located outside your country or process your personal data there. The level of data protection in other countries may not correspond to that of Austria. However, we only transfer your personal data to countries for which the EU Commission has decided that they have an adequate level of data protection or we take measures to ensure that all recipients have an adequate level of data protection, for which we conclude standard contractual clauses (2010/87/EC and/or 2004/915/EC).

    6. Reporting Data Breaches

    We strive to ensure that data breaches are detected early and, if necessary, reported to you and the competent supervisory authority, including the specific categories of data affected.

    7. Storage of Data

    We will not keep data for longer than is necessary to fulfill our contractual or legal obligations and to defend against any liability claims.
    Disclosure according to Art 14 UGB, 5 ECG, and 25 MedienG

    Raffling Tenschert Lassl Griesbacher & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH Universitätsring 12/1/13, A-1010 Vienna FN 463759 z, VAT ID: ATU71826624, P-Code 132167

    Phone: +43 1 99 727 49

    Bank details:
    Erste Bank der österreichischen Sparkassen AG
    IBAN: AT75 2011 1829 5353 9200

    Professional regulations & supervision:
    META is subject to professional regulations (RAO, RL-BA, DSt) and the supervision of the Vienna Bar Association

    Design & Implementation:


    META assumes no liability for any direct or indirect damages, claims for damages, or consequential damages of any kind and on any legal basis that may arise from accessing or using the website. Liability for the timeliness, accuracy, and completeness of the information provided on our website is excluded. This also applies to any links to external websites (as they are beyond our control).